
 site est. 2022


Let’s use AI image generator as a familiar tool.

What is an AI image generator?

AI image generators are tools that use artificial intelligence to create images from text (referred to as prompts, such as spells). Users can use this tool to generate their own illustrations and photos.

AIイメージ ジェネレーターってなに?

AIイメージ ジェネレーターとは、人工知能を使ってテキスト(呪文などと言われているプロンプトのこと)から画像を生成するツールのことです。

AI image genereted by Image FX

AI image generators are tools that expand the limits of users.

AI image generators have revolutionized the creative world. This has only happened recently.
With the emergence of this tool, users can generate and utilize visual worlds like never before.
Photographers, designers, digital artists, and AI enthusiasts can create their own visuals instantly by inputting prompts.
Experience the thrill of producing captivating images, embrace the future of art, and seize fresh and creative moments.


AIイメージ ジェネレーターは、クリエイティブな世界に革命をもたらせました。それもつい最近のことです。

AI image genereted by Image FX

The Impact of AI on Photography and Art

The impact of AI on photography and art is diverse.
The evolution of AI technology is significantly changing the artistic creation process.
AI has functions such as image generation, editing, and style transfer, which help artists explore new ways of expression.
For example, by using AI tools like MidjourneyStable DiffusionDALL-E3ImageFXFLUX、 and Adobe Firefly, artists can reconstruct their styles or create entirely new visuals. The rapidly evolving AI image generation technology transcends time and space, and we live in an era where we can share the results with the world.

However, the revolution of image generation by AI is not something new.
For years, we have enjoyed advanced AI technologies such as automatic correction features and subject recognition technology built into devices like the iPhone. Everyone can now take high-quality photos on a daily basis. Furthermore, powerful AI features have been integrated into photo editing apps like Photoshop and Lightroom, providing immense benefits such as streamlining illustration production and photo editing, and dramatically improving image quality.

On the other hand, innovation always comes with many issues.
For instance, the evolution of AI has sparked discussions about the essence of art.
Can works created by AI truly be called “art”?
Is there a lack of human emotion and intention?
Such questions arise, and it is also true that the definitions and values of art are being shaken and re-examined.

Moreover, AI is impacting the art market as well.
Artworks generated by AI are being traded at high prices at auctions, and the structure of the traditional art market is about to change.
As a result, while artists are discovering new sources of income, issues surrounding copyright and ownership have also emerged. Regarding this issue, some image generators have established guidelines stating that the copyright of generated data belongs to the creator for paid users.

In this way, while AI is changing the methods of creation, distribution, and consumption of photography and art, it is also providing new possibilities for both artists and audiences.
We can say that we have entered an era where there is a need to carefully reconsider the essence and value of art.

As coexistence between AI and humans progresses, there is growing attention on how the essence of art, including photography, will evolve in the future.


例えば、MidjourneyStable DiffusionDALL-E3ImageFXFLUX、Adobe FireflyのようなAIツールを使うことで、アーティストは自分のスタイルを再構築したり、まったく新しいビジュアルを創造することができます。日進月歩で進化するAI画像生成テクノロジーは、時空を超え、概念を覆し、私たちはその結果を世界に向けて発信できる時代に生きています。



この問題について、一部のイメージ ジェネレータでは、有料ユーザーについて生成データの著作権は制作者に帰属するといったガイドラインを定めています。



AI image genereted by Image FX

Let’s learn about AI image generators together.

Today was about the beginning of AI image generation.
From next time onward, I plan to compile what I have learned about “simple yet profound prompts” in order.

I myself have been intensively studying for about two months, but prompt generation just started on September 1st (today marks the second week).
All the images published on this page were created and generated using Image FX, which Google released in August, on September 1st. It means that even complete beginners could utilize the image generator.
I hope we can learn and walk together, deepening our understanding of the world of AI image generators step by step.

I think it will be a long journey, but I appreciate your support.

AIイメージ ジェネレーターを私と一緒に学びましょう

今日はAIイメージ ジェネレーター事始めといった内容でした。

このページに掲載したすべてのイメージは8月にGoogleがリリースしたImage FXを使って9月1日、制作、生成したものです。
イメージ ジェネレータの活用は全くの初心者でも可能だったことになります。
AIイメージ ジェネレータの世界を一歩一歩深めながら共に学び、歩んでいけたらと願っています。


AI image genereted by Image FX