
Photographing Calla-lily In The Blue Hour.


In my last blog, Mountain hydrangea in the Blue Hour, can we get closer to the blue hour before sunrise and the depths of blue of the mountain hydrangea, which is indigenous to Japan? That was the theme.
Today I will write about monochrome photography during the blue hour.

Bare nature

The photo was taken in a secluded corner of the forest park, a 10-minute walk from my home in the greenbelt.
A leisurely stroll through the park takes about 30 minutes, making this a valuable area within living distance.

Surrounded by trees and surrounded by tranquility, the park with its elevation differences has a playground for children and a fountain pond, and on sunny days, the park is crowded with parents and children.

However, the destination of the photo shoot was in a secluded part of the park, an area with large, dense trees, where the footholds are poor and the ground is slippery. The low cooing of mountain pigeons, the sound of running spring water, and the air so cool that it is hard to believe that you are in the same park, the bare nature is left untouched.

In a secluded marshy area, there are signs that read, “Beware of pit vipers! Beware of Wasps! and other disturbing signs are visible in the marshy area.

Fairies playing in the dim light

A little creepy…
There was no sign of people in the park before sunrise.

After a few minutes of walking, pure white flowers dotting the bottom of a dense, dimly lit thicket. The white fairies looked sleepy.
I set up my camera with my 50mm lens as close to the fairies as possible, paying close attention to the soft ground that had absorbed water. If I lost my balance, I might slip into the swamp.

Time was ticking away. Precious moments can vanish in an instant if I am too slow.
The serene light in front of me, jet black with the night trailing behind. The white of the angels emerging. I was only able to capture a few shots with the shutter release. But it was a moment in which I was able to feel a solid response in my own way.

Shooting points in the Blue Hour.

This section touches on the various expressions of flowers and plants that can be brought out by adjusting exposure compensation and aperture value in blue hour. In general, the following approaches can be considered.

  • Appropriate exposure settings.
    – In order to compensate for the lack of light in the blue hour, try to use a moderate overexposure (about +1~2 EV).
    – This will bring out the fine textures and three-dimensionality of the grass and flowers.
  • Adjusting the aperture value
    – By stopping down the aperture, you can get a deeper depth of field.
    – By stopping down the aperture to around F8 – F11, the foreground flowers and grass and the background will be beautifully out of focus.
    – Conversely, using a wide-open aperture can also bring out delicate textures and a three-dimensional effect.
  • Long time exposure
    – Long time exposures of 30 seconds to one minute can be used to express the delicate movement of flowers and grass.
    – This allows you to reproduce expressions full of life in still images.
  • Colour temperature adjustment
    -While utilising the blueness of the blue hour, the colours of flowers and grass can be enhanced by adjusting the white balance appropriately.
    – If the colour temperature is adjusted slightly towards warmer colours, the warmth of the grass and flowers can be expressed.
    – In monochrome photography, “Colour temperature?” This question is discussed below.
  • Using depth of field
    – By stopping down the aperture value, the flowers in the foreground and the background can be clearly separated.
    – This allows the subject flowers and grasses to stand out and creates a dense effect.

    By combining various methods, such as adjusting exposure, focus and colour temperature settings, you should be able to bring out the best of the flowers and grasses in the right light conditions. I will continue to explore this through trial and error.
  • Different time of day for shooting
    – The expression of flowers and plants changes depending on the time of day, such as early morning with morning dew or the blue hour at dusk.
    – They often have a sleepy, innocent look in the morning and a vibrant look in the evening.
  • Weather changes.
    – The expression of plants and flowers changes dramatically between sunny and cloudy days.
    – On sunny days, they have a vigorous look, while on cloudy days they have a calm look.
    – After rain, the plants and flowers look revived and radiant.
  • Differences according to growth stage
    – The expression of flowers and plants varies greatly according to their stage of growth: soft at the time of sprouting, gorgeous when in full bloom and melancholy at the beginning of withering.
  • Effect of wind
    – Grasses and flowers swaying in a light breeze have a soft and elegant expression.
    – Grass and flowers driven by strong winds, on the other hand, have a tough, robust expression.
  • Camera angle.
    – Looking down from directly above gives an oppressive, dignified expression.
    – Looking up from the foot of the plant can give it a strong, rich expression.

    Various factors such as time, weather, stage of growth, wind conditions and shooting angle can change the expression of flowers and plants. We believe that flexible thinking in response to the situation will lead to expressive photographs.

What are the camera settings when shooting monochrome during the blue hour?

LUMIX-S, about photo style

With modern digital cameras, you can select various photo styles depending on the subject.
In the case of the LUMIX S1, the following photo styles are preset to suit the shooting conditions.

STDstandardStandard shades, with a natural finish with little or no processing.
VIVDvividSaturation, high contrast and vivid expression.
The effect is to make the subject stand out, allowing you to take photos with impact.
NATnaturalLow contrast, soft expression – natural, true-to-life colour reproduction.
FLATFlatSaturation, low contrast. Less exaggerated expression.
LANDLandscapeVivid expression of blues and greens.
PORTPortraitExpression with emphasis on healthy skin tones.
MONOMonochromeMonochromatic expression with colours removed.
With standard parameters, monotone photos can be taken in greyscale.
L MONOL MonochromeRich gradations. Tight black expression.
L MONO DL Monochrome DEmphasis on highlights and shadows, expression of dynamic impressions
Dramatic atmosphere with emphasis on deep blacks.
Shadows are deepened and powerful photos can be taken.
For fantastic photos with a sense of gravity and realism
CNEDCinelikeDynamic range-first gamma curve, for a cinematic feel.
Suitable for video recording.
CNEVCinelike VContrast-focused gamma curve for a cinematic feel.
709L709LikeGamma curve equivalent to REC.709, compresses high-luminance areas and suppresses white-out.
REC.709 stands for “ITU-R Rcommedation BT.709” – a standard for high-definition broadcasting.
STD HLGstandard HLGSettings for {HLG Photo} shooting.
MONO HLGMonochrome HLGSettings for shooting {HLG Photo} in monochrome.
Capture details clearly and express delicate textures.
2100 HLG2100Like HLGSettings for shooting HLG format video.
You can adjust the parameters of each photo style to your liking and register it as your own unique photo style.
LUMIX-S, about photo style

As described above, 15 different styles are preset. If you add ‘MY PHOTO STYLE’ to the list, 25 photo styles can be selected instantly.
More concrete ways of using each of these will be covered in detail in future editions of this blog.
For this article, we will limit ourselves to the range applied when taking the title photo.

This time the L MONO D was customised.

From the list above, this time I chose L MONO D, the ninth in the list.
However, I felt that I needed to adjust the parameters in order to capture a fantastic and realistic image of a white flower floating like a phantom in the low light before dawn.
When ‘L MONO D’ is selected, the following parameters can be adjusted respectively.

contrast-5 〜 +520 steps.
Highlights.-5 〜 +520 steps.
Shadows-5 〜 +520 steps.
Hue-5 〜 +520 steps.
FiltersYellow, orange, red, green, OFF.5 types
GrainLOW,STD,HIGH,OFF4 steps.
Sharpness-5 〜 +520 steps.
Noise reduction-5 〜 +520 steps.
L MONO D was customised.

Contrast, highlights and shadows do not need any particular explanation.
What I would like to mention here in particular is ‘hue’.
Many people seem to be surprised at the idea of hue adjustment in monochrome.
In my case, I am more or less obsessed with Japanese black, where black = sumi = jet black.
I believe that black is not simply K100% black.
If I start talking about black, it would be enough to write a whole article, so I’ll leave that for another article.

Parameters for ‘L MONO D’ during blue hour photography.

Specifically, they are as follows. We do not consider these to be the best. I am sure that some of you will have even more precise opinions. These are only figures based on my experience.
There are two points to note with this parameter.

1.Hue; for monochrome photography, the hue is warm black (warm black) for negative values. If it is positive, a cold black (cold black) can be expressed. I wanted to express the feeling of cool air in the morning mist, so I set it to +2, a slightly cool black.

2.The orange filter effect was chosen to offset the faint reddish pre-dawn reflections in the monochrome expression, as we wanted to slightly increase the clean white of the flowers.

Noise reduction0
Parameters for ‘L MONO D’ during blue hour photography.

Today’s Summary

As I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe that the current parameters are the definitive solution for expressing the concept of “black” for Japanese people. It’s merely one of my approaches to the possibilities of black.

Even the combination of parameters for just one of LUMIX’s photo styles, “L MONO D,” can result in 1.2 billion different variations.

Depending on one’s perspective, it might be sufficient to simply use the camera’s built-in AI or S modes for shooting. Even then, the camera can produce excellent results. However, I feel that the potential of advanced digital cameras is truly limitless.

The interplay between digital and manual control is what makes it so fascinating.

Photography (1)

Calla-lily on Blue Hour June.2024 P1020395 📷LUMIX-S, LUMIX S PRO 1:1.4/50mm f2.8, SS:1/100, ISO 1600

Photography (2)

Calla-lilies on Blue Hour
📷LUMIX-S, LUMIX S PRO 1:1.4/50mm f2.2, SS:1/200, ISO 100


6月12日のブログ『Mountain hydrangea in the Blue Hour』では日の出前のブルーアワー、日本固有の山紫陽花の青の深さに迫れるか?それがテーマでした。







  • 適切な露出設定
    - ブルーアワーの光量不足を補うため、適度な露出補正(+1~2EVくらい)を心がける。
    - これにより、草花の細かな質感や立体感が引き立ちます。
  • 絞り値の調整
    - 絞りを絞り込むことで、被写界深度を深くとることができます。
    - F8~F11程度に絞ることで、前景の草花と後景のボケが美しくなります。
    - 逆に開放絞りにすることで、繊細な質感や立体感を引き出すこともできます。
  • 被写界深度の活用
    - 絞り値を絞り込むことで、前景の草花と背景がクリアに分離されます。
    - これにより、主題の草花を浮き立たせることができ、密度の高い演出が可能になります。
  • 撮影時間帯の違い
    - 朝露のある早朝や、夕暮れのブルーアワーなど、時間帯によって草花の表情は変わります。
    - 朝は眠たげで清楚な表情、夕方は活力に満ちた表情になることが多いです。
  • 天候の変化
    - 晴れの日と曇りの日では、草花の表情が大きく変わります。
    - 晴れの日は勢いのある表情、曇りの日はおだやかな表情になります。
    - 雨上がりは、草花がよみがえったような輝きを放っています。
  • 生育段階による違い
    - 新芽の頃は柔らかな表情、満開時は華やかな表情、枯れ始めは哀愁の表情など、生育段階によって草花の表情は大きく変化します。
  • 風の影響
    - 微風に揺らめく草花は、やわらかで優雅な表情を見せます。
    - 強風に煽られている草花は、逆にタフで逞しい表情になります。
  • カメラアングル
    - 真上から見下ろすと、圧迫感のある凛とした表情になります。
    - 足元から見上げると、力強く豊かな表情を見せることも。




LUMIX S1の場合次のように撮影条件に適したフォトスタイルがプリセットされています。

NATナチュラルコントラスト低、柔らかい表現 - 自然で忠実な色再現
L MONO Lモノクローム階調が豊か。黒の引き締まった表現
L MONO DLモノクロームDハイライト、シャドウを強調、ダイナミックな印象の表現
REC.709とは「ITU-R Rcommedation BT.709」の略-ハイビジョン放送の規格です
STD HLGスタンダードHLG{HLGフォト}撮影するための設定
MONO HLGモノクロームHLG{HLGフォト}をモノクロームで撮影するための設定
2100 HLG2100ライクHLGHLG方式の動画を撮影するための設定

以上のように15種類のスタイルがプリセットされています。さらに「MY PHOTO STYLE」を加えると25のフォトスタイルが瞬時に選択可能になります。

L MONO Dをカスタマイズする

上の一覧の中から今回私が選んだのは9番目の「L MONO D」です。
「L MONO D」を選択すると、それぞれ次のパラメータ調整が可能になります。

コントラスト-5 〜 +520段階
ハイライト-5 〜 +520段階
シャドー-5 〜 +520段階
色相-5 〜 +520段階
シャープネス-5 〜 +520段階
ノイズリダクション-5 〜 +520段階
「L MONO D」のパラメータ、全部で8項目あります。


ブルーアワー撮影時の「L MONO D」のパラメータ




ブルーアワー撮影、L MONO Dのパラメータ


LUMIXのフォトスタイルの一つ「L MONO D」のパラメータの組み合わせだけでも12億通りもあるのだから。