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about Akira Obata

Photographer has just begun

I have a long history of photography. It began in my primary school days with a pinhole camera in my hand.
More than half a century ago, I was fascinated by the mysterious world that emerged on photographic paper. This poetic world was different from reality, and it captured my imagination.
I enjoy taking pictures of street corners, parks, and friends. I searched for subjects and broadened my horizons.
With the help of a photographer I met on the street, my photographic skills rapidly improved.
He was an experienced photographer, over 60 years old, who treated me like his own son.
He lent me a valuable Nikon camera, even though I was just a junior high school student, and encouraged me to use it freely.
My photographer ‘teacher’ taught me the darkroom process.

After my ‘teacher’ passed away, I had to do various jobs to support my family.Although I was selected for several photography exhibitions, it was impossible to make a living from it.
I lost most of my life quickly.
After many successful jobs, I retired from active work at the age of 70.

As a young man, I had a professional education in art, but not in photography.
Despite taking tens of thousands of photographs over almost half a century, it remained a mere hobby.As a young man, I had a professional education in art, but not in photography.
Despite taking tens of thousands of photographs over almost half a century, it remained a mere hobby.

Shot with a pinhole camera 2023

The camera is a part of the body.

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Expert in establishing the basic technology of computer map systems in Japan. His efficient technology for creating centerline, multi-layered digital maps has continued to grow and is still useful in people’s daily lives.

He had aspirations to become an artist and received professional education.
In the 1980s, shortly after the release of Apple’s Macintosh, he founded and ran Digital Magic, a company based on the concept of visual communication.
His work was reported by various media during this period.

Akira Obata has a long history with photography (cameras).
It started with a toy camera he bought with his allowance when he was 8 years old.
Even after establishing Digital Magic, the camera remained a familiar tool.

Every shoot has always had a close relationship with his work.
Today, Akira has freed himself from his past shoots, seeking freedom of expression and utilizing the camera as a part of his body of work.

He has a professional education in fine arts, but not in photography. All photographic techniques are self-taught
Of course, there are many meisters who have strongly influenced him.
Photographers, painters, sculptors, musicians, philosophers, and many others.
He continues to study and apply the techniques and ideas he has learned from them to his photographic expression.

He is interested in the discrepancies that arise between the reality we see and what we know, and is fascinated by their constant contradiction and simultaneous coexistence.
He observes reality, thinks through images, and attempts to express them poetically. The visible and the invisible. He tries to talk about the relationship between parallel worlds and the real world.

A photography trip to Yakushima Island in September 1994, before the island was registered as a World Heritage site. The base of a cedar tree over 3,000 years old. Yakushima Island photo shoot, September 1994. #19940913-3697319701