
site est.2022

Favorite camera



Lumix S1 and S-X50

When I want to change a theme or mood, I change my camera.

I usually try to use a camera I am familiar with or the camera function on my iPhone, and I try to take pictures of ordinary moments in my daily life without being fussy.

As long as that is the case, I never fail and can capture what I see.

However, that alone will only produce mediocre results. We are left with nothing but impressions, and our experimental attempts often end up coming up empty. It is true that it is possible to take photographs that are easy for anyone to understand. However, as time goes by, they disappear with time without leaving any lasting impression.

This is different, no, not this either. When you feel this way, or when you want to try an expression you have never tried before, you will want to use a different camera or lens than usual.

The LUMIX S1 and 50mm F1.4 lens are a heavy and large combination; the S1 is loaded with advanced features that are too much to use and not enough to fully digest. That’s why it was heralded as the pinnacle of full-size mirrorless lenses. Furthermore, many professionals praise the X-50 lens as the pinnacle 50mm lens. It is, in any case, an expensive 50mm. This 50mm is a monster 50mm of a completely different dimension from anything I have experienced in over 50 years. Monsters must have monster intentions. Be that as it may, with the sensitivity of a traveler, let’s go out for street photography and stare at the world through the lens with the desire and expectation of new expression. Without being crushed by the weight of the equipment. Let’s not be crushed by the weight of our equipment, and let’s not be whipped by our old bodies.

As the title suggests, all the photos on this page are snapshots. In other words, they are not image composites, but rather shutter shots taken on site using our own unique techniques.


LUMIX S1と50mm F1.4レンズは、重くて大きな組み合わせです。S1には使い切れないほど、十分に消化できないほどの高度な機能が満載されている。フルサイズミラレスの頂点と謳われた所以だ。さらにX-50のレンズは、最高峰の50mmレンズと称賛するプロも多い。とにかく高価な50mmだ。この50mmは50年以上経験してきた中で全く別次元の怪物50mmである。怪物には怪物の思惑があるのだろう。それはそれとして、旅人のような感性で、新しい表現への欲望と期待を持って、街撮りに出かけ、レンズ越しの世界を凝視してみよう。機材の重さに押しつぶされることなく。老体に鞭打ちながら。


Ordinary #P1010078 – August 29, 2022 18:19 – 50mm f2.2 1/30
Ordinary #P1010133 – August 29, 2022 18:43 – 50mm f2 1/30
Ordinary #P1010176 – August 29, 2022 19:03 – 50mm f7.1 1/6
Ordinary #P1010161 – August 29, 2022 18:19 – 50mm F1.4 1/30
Ordinary #P1010054 – August 29, 2022 18:01 – 50mm f8 1/30
Ordinary #P1010199 – August 29, 2022 19:12 – 50mm f1.4 1/15
Roses on a summer’s day #P1000062 – August 11, 2022 14:39

夕暮れ 街撮り
Dusk_Street Shot( #4282) Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 17:55
Ofuna, kanagawa #4369_Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 17:00
Raw & Drawing(#4359) Saturday, June 4, 2022 16:55

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