
AI-generated.Monochrome images.

AI image generator will respond to the minimal monochrome expression you have in mind?

Air Perspective with AI Generator

“Prototype of atmospheric perspective expression by an AI generator.”
generated by Flux

The image above is a prototype for the challenge of whether it is possible to express aerial perspective using an AI generator.
I decided to try out a concept that goes one step beyond simple monochrome expression using AI.
Aerial perspective is also known to have been studied by Leonardo da Vinci, but I interpret it as the aesthetic sense of Japanese ink painting.
This is the result of rehearsing the prompt dozens of times.


Collaborative work with AI.
generated by FLUX

Challenge of minimalist monochrome expression

I explored the works of 20th-century minimalist photographers and learned the secrets of their beauty. I also focused on conveying my experiences and knowledge of monochrome photography as prompts to an AI generator, reflecting them in my images. The generator I used is FLUX.1 from Black Forest Lab. I used is Black Forest Lab’s FLUX.1.

About FLUX

AI image generator is a general term for tools that generate images and text using various AI technologies. While specific developers vary widely, representative tools include OpenAI, Google GEN2,3, and Midjourney. The Flux.1 used this time aims to support the process and provide new inspiration to artists and designers, meaning it is intended to support the creative process and offer new inspiration to artists and designers.

Key Points of Minimalism Generation

I have summarized some points to keep in mind when expressing in Flux.1.
These considerations are also common when taking photographs.

About the expression of minimalism

  • Emphasis on simplicity: Eliminate unnecessary elements and use only the minimum necessary shapes and lines.
  • Utilization of contrast: Use the contrast between black and white to create visual impact.
  • Texture innovation: Incorporating different textures and patterns is effective for conveying a sense of material.
  • Use of space: Effectively use white space to provide visual breathing room.
  • Exploration of shapes: Experiment with geometric and organic shapes to create visual rhythm.
  • Expression of emotions: Pay attention to shapes and arrangements to convey emotions and aim for designs that resonate with the heart.

To achieve success in monochrome expression with AI generator

  • Balance of light and dark: Be aware of the contrast between bright and dark areas to create visual impact.
  • Use of texture: Incorporate different textures and patterns to convey depth even in monochrome.
  • Simple composition: Eliminate unnecessary elements and aim for a simple and clean composition, keeping the principles of minimalism in mind.
  • Exploration of shapes: Experiment with geometric and organic shapes to create visual rhythm.
  • Use of negative space: Utilizing negative space gives the work breathing room and highlights the elements.
  • Creativity in prompts: Make the prompts given to AI specific and clearly convey the desired style and atmosphere.

Results of the Challenge

I became acutely aware that the key to successful AI image generation, whether color or monochrome, is the repeated elaboration of the prompts, which determines success. Some images have problems with gradations in bright areas. Too much whiteout. This problem can be fixed using image editing software such as Lightroom Classic or Photoshop. However, my question is how much can AI generate? That’s what it means. One This is because I think it is important to refine the prompt now, rather than muddying things up with post-processing.

Indoors – woman, fog outside window – cat
generated by FLUX



さらに私自身が追求してきたモノクローム写真から得られた経験と知識を融合させ、AI generatorにプロンプトとして伝え、自分自身のイメージへ反映させることをテーマにしました。
活用したgeneratorはBlack Forest LabのFLUX.1です。


AI image generatorは、さまざまなAI技術を利用して画像やテキストを生成するツールの一般的な用語です。
特定の開発者は大きく異なりますが、OpenAI、Google GEN2,3、Midjourneyなどが代表的なツールです。

Minimalism – Landscape.
generated by FLUX




  • シンプルさを重視: 不要な要素を排除し、必要最低限の形や線だけを使用します。
  • コントラストの活用: 黒と白のコントラストの対比を利用して、視覚的なインパクトを持たせます。
  • テクスチャの工夫: 質感を感じさせるために、異なるテクスチャやパターンを取り入れることが効果的です。
  • 空間の使い方: 余白をうまく使い、視覚的な呼吸を与えます。
  • 形状の探求: 幾何学的な形やオーガニックな形を試し、視覚的なリズムを作り出します。
  • 感情の表現: 感情を伝えるために形や配置に気を配り、心に響くデザインを目指します。


  • 明暗のバランス: 明るい部分と暗い部分のコントラストを意識し、視覚的なインパクトを持たせます。
  • テクスチャの利用: モノクロームでも質感を感じさせるために、異なるテクスチャやパターンを取り入れ深みを出します。
  • シンプルな構図: 不要な要素を排除し、シンプルでクリーンな構図を心がけます。ミニマリズムの原則を意識しまます。
  • 形状の探求: 幾何学的な形やオーガニックな形を試し、視覚的なリズムを作り出します。
  • 余白の活用: 余白を使うことで、作品に呼吸を与え、要素が引き立てます。
  • プロンプトの工夫: AIに与えるプロンプトを具体的にし、望むスタイルや雰囲気を明確に伝えます。


この問題はLightroom ClassicやPhotoshopなどの画像編集ソフトを使用して修正できます。しかし私の課題はAIがどのくらい生成できるのか?ということです。つ

generated by FLUX
generated by FLUX
generated by FLUX
generated by FLUX
generated by FLUX
generated by FLUX
The last rose of summer
generated by FLUX
The last rose of summer-2
generated by FLUX
The gradient below the horizon is almost as I imagined.
However, the sky part is too white. No matter how many times I redo the generation or rewrite the prompt, it didn’t improve.
It could be resolved in Lightroom or Photoshop, but that’s not the issue!